Peanut Bear is the creation of  Ralph Cosentino, an Argentinian who grew up in New York and the son of flamenco dancers. As a young boy, he often coerced his younger sister into giving up her piggy-bank money so he could buy super-hero comics. Ralph is a children’s book author and illustrator. He also develops & designs unique kid-centric characters and brands for product, games, licensing and entertainment. He lives in Ohio with his wife, their three children, two dogs, Argus and Charlie, and their cats Hayao, Murphy & Aldo. Ralph hopes to return to Argentina someday and become a gaucho. For more detailed info on Ralph, visit his website.

Seen here at an early age with his single mother and sidekick sister about to transform into the crime fighting hero…”The Green Hornet!”
Visit Ralph’s website and or his social hangouts.